
...Jibbs' place for all kinds of ish

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When a guy says to me "I just wanna be friends," he's done two things:

1. Locked himself into a perpetual state of platonic friendship with me
2. Put himself in a position where I will continue to question his motive.

The thing is, when I want to be friends with a girl...I don't walk up to her and say "yo chic, I'd like to be friends with you." We meet, we click, and a friendship ensues. It's organic. No need to state the obvious.

So, when a guy asks for my number, or wants to "hang out" with me and tells me that the reason is because he "wants to be my friend" I say BS!!!!

Don't get me wrong, I am ALL for growing a relationship from the ground up and using friendship as the foundation, but it's the guys that have ulterior motives under the guise of "friendship" that I have a HUGE problem with.

So, what do I do? I do EVERYTHING to make sure that that platonic relationship that he wanted is exactly what he gets forever and ever and ever. Why? If you really wanted just wanted to be "just friends" there really wouldn't be any reason to have to state it explicitly in the first place (unless I've challenged your intentions).

Guy: Say, can I get your number?
Me: Nah, I got a boyfriend
Guy: Yea, but I just wanna be friends...
Me: Is it beans? *hiss*

Carry go jo!

[Title taken from song: "JustFriends" by Musiq SoulChild; image source: xkcd.com]


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